Greetings, dah'ling! In a busy world often neglecting self-care, “The Art of Affirmations” encourages you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. By integrating affirmations and essential oils into your daily routine, you’re not only boosting your mood; you’re also celebrating your journey toward self-love and personal mastery. The Art of Affirmations is a different glance into an age-old practice. This little book packs a punch. We gently go over the impact of certain astrological placements and Core Assistant's, how to effectively use intention and will, as well as the chakras and their use in the art. There are also a few examples in the book to get you started on your way. Through these powerful techniques, you can transform your mindset, find your words of power, leading to meaningful changes in your life. So grab your favorite essential oil, relax with the eBook, and prepare to uncover the immense potential that lies within you. Your journey to self-discovery awaits! Ready to take control of your life and find that healthy sense of self you've been craving? With the Art of Affirmations, you'll learn essential skills and gain incredible insights that will transform your life. I've carefully curated this eBook to guide you through the process of using the Art of Affirmations: major keys, authentic pillars, and core assistants. From unlocking your hidden power to mastering important strategies, you'll discover a whole new world of info that will blow your mind. You'll have plenty of time to download and dive into the mini-guide, absorb the wisdom, and uncover your inner strength.
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