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Married With Children: God's Shoes

Writer's picture: Lulu Eye LoveLulu Eye Love

you can't walk a mile in my shoes

I'm not familiar with the psychology or textbook terminology that explains why some people lust after the goals, paths, or lives of others. They're known as bottom feeders and thieves where i'm from. You've heard me refer to them as bottom dwellers over the years since they lack the skills necessary to ride the wave and hang with high tide.

I'll expand on the post's title later.

The beauty of art is that a picture like the one above can convey a lot without actually saying much. In the same way, you are art. People will assume all kinds of imaginative things about you when you show up. That's the art of living hell-u-mean, Bitch.

A lot of you are capable of walking in your greatness without telling others about it. That is perfectly fine, and you have that right. Still, there are ears that are happy to hear about it all in order to assist them on their own unique path.

This piece of writing isn't for you if you have firsthand experience with others wanting to walk in your shoes and being prepared to go to any lengths to get you to take shoes off your feet. It's possible that you've dealt with it for so long that it no longer affects you as much. Please feel free to leave a comment with your advice.

If this is what you've been going through all of your life and you're tired of it and at a loss for what to do? It won't take long if you continue reading.

It is a sign of a weakness in oneself when someone covets what others have. They believe that having what you have will significantly improve their quality of life. No, it won't. I've found that people who behave this way are never content, lack empathy, self-love, self-awareness, etc.

Many people were predisposed to their current state of being at birth, inherited views, traumatic experiences, or other factors. For folks just like you, they are meant to act as a catalyst. They have been created to ensure that you stay focused on your toes.

These folks don't want to experience what you did to get to this level. They want your identity, what you have, or they simply desire you not have it. These folks are quite uncomfortable. They want to steal, kill, and destroy all those who attracts attention to their dark sides because they are uncomfortable with their lives.

They are unaware of the dark elements of you that you endured in order to reach this particular point. Remember, we are not in negotiations with terrorists; they could care less. I still find it hard to believe that in this day and age, we are urged to give our friends, family, and coworkers the space they deserve to be around us all while knowing they ain't shit, keep your friends close and enemies closer.

If you believe that I'm keeping someone close by who could cause trouble, you're insane. These people, I've discovered, are always up to something. If you interact with anyone at all, you get to decide how. Moving forward now, then.

These things have to endure until they either reach their lowest point or are prepared to accept true enlightenment because they are not receptive to being convinced that you or what they desire from you is the cure.

They are blind to the accessories, hat, hair, shoes, and other details. They only see how you walk when wearing the shoes. The doors you walk through wearing shoes. People's regard for you in the shoes. How the shoes can unlock doors that men cannot shut. The footwear that was provided to you. The shoes you were given don't come in a certain size, color, shape, or brand name.

Omg, this reminds me of a Married with Children Epirsode. Al Bundy and those God shoes he created. I'm on the floor over here, now I'm renaming the post .

You were born with these shoes and they grow with you as you evolve. These are your spiritual shoes for your life's journey, baby! See, spiritual shoes if not fully inspected by the outside observer appear simple, do-able, and ready to wear.

You better let it be known that your spiritual shoes are designed by The Most High. Not only are your whole, separate, and unique as a gift to all of us. You are cut from a different cloth thus, you walk your path with class! Your cloth goes with your shoes and the crown that adorns your big ass head.

Although, bad built and friends may come in and try to tell you that your shoes don't fit. How about when they tell you your outfit isn't unique or your crown is distorted. I suggest you let them know , YOU ARE NOT THE GOD OF ME AND NEVER WILL BE.

Let's get this week pop, lockin', and droppin'! Join us in The Cellar for The Clarity Cleanse! Https://

My Mystic Pantry: Purchase the Shut Up and Kiss Me Oil and receive a free reading. Please be sure to use an email that you check often. This option is also available when you purchase the 90-day Journey to Mindfulness via my website.

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Beautifully said Lulu! You are so right! I've been playing it small, and allowing others to tell me about my godly shoes for as long as i can remember that shit ended last night! 🌻



Well said! Envy is dangerous



💯!!! ✨Always remember that you are a Child of God and keep walking in those shoes that were gifted to you and only you🙏💜🌸



Asé, know that the Most High is your creator, trust your intuition and pray Psalms 23

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