I have a question for you, dah'ling! Have you ever wondered why people see the world so differently? Our experiences often tie back to the age of our souls. Each type of soul offers a unique lens through which we view life. Understanding these soul ages can enrich our relationships, boost our mental well-being, and even guide our spiritual journeys. Let’s explore the seven types of souls on this plane and discover which one resonates with you!
1. Infant Soul: Survival Oriented
The infant soul is primarily concerned with survival. Their mantra is "Me and not me." These souls are self-focused, typically unaware of how their actions affect others. They are just starting their journey, learning the essentials of existence and survival.
Let us dig a little deeper into the 7 types of souls.

Infant souls often exhibit basic relationships and view interactions in terms of their immediate needs. Fear often drives their behavior, limiting their understanding of emotional connections. For example, an infant soul may react to a friend’s distress by withdrawing instead of providing comfort, illustrating their instinct to prioritize personal safety.
Infant souls may exhibit violence and possess limited comprehension unless they feel safety and are in a nurturing. Their primary focus is on survival at any cost. These souls are typically pampered by the family until their dying day. Cry baby ass. Alright, alright, alright!
2. Toddler Soul: Rule Oriented
Next comes the toddler soul, which emphasizes rules. Their mindset can be summed up as "Me and other Me’s." As explained in the Michael handbook. Toddler souls begin to realize others' existence and follow rules to navigate their surroundings. They often compete with peers to ensure fairness.
As they learn, their grasp of relationships becomes more intricate, but they still cling to their desires. A toddler soul may throw a tantrum over different spiritual beliefs, illustrating their emerging understanding of social dynamics. Their journey from self-centeredness to social recognition shows growth in empathy and cooperation.
Toddler souls prioritize structure and regulations. They have faith in authority, law and order, and adhere to strict interpretations of rules. They lack flexibility and support corporal punishment. They follow like sheep, without independent thought.
Toddler souls are childlike and unsophisticated, often feeling guilty while dictating how others should live based on their fundamentalist beliefs. Their arguments lack logic and go in circles as they fail to see the big picture. They can be self-righteous, wanting the world to conform to their narrow views, and lack the ability to have uninhibited fun. Typically representing themselves as tyrants when placed in leadership positions, they may be hypocritical, supporting assault guns while praying for their victims.
Toddler souls are frightened by the idea of a punishing God, karma, or "you reap what you sow." They believe they will not pay for their wrongdoings until they decide. Weird. They are usually atheists, dark workers of iniquity, or believe they are bigger than God. Basically, they often ensure they are caught for their wrongdoings, as getting caught is a huge part of their life path. It's like a medal of honor for these types unless they decide to work through their path with regard to what they need to learn and do with their limited time.
In short, as I am doing my best to keep these blog posts under 500 characters, toddler souls are all about themselves, their beliefs, what they do, and how they do it. It can come off as narcissism, but there is so much information about each soul type, we would be here all day.

3. Young Soul or Child: Success Oriented
The young soul, also referred to as the child soul, focuses on success. Their guiding principle is "Me and you and I win." These souls are driven by accomplishments and societal recognition, measuring their worth through achievements.
For young souls, competition is paramount. They see the world as a game that requires skill and strategy to secure victory. Research indicates that up to 60% of young souls may prioritize career success over personal happiness, demonstrating their single-minded focus on winning.
Younger souls are eager to eliminate adversaries in large numbers to achieve significant victories. Their focus is on asserting dominance and achieving success, whether in warfare or business. Acts like murder, threats, bribery, and corruption are deemed acceptable if they believe they can evade consequences. The pivotal question for them is, "Can I succeed?" Often, they do.
Young souls are crafty strategists, often cunning and deceitful to achieve their goals, sometimes engaging in white-collar crimes. They may brazenly challenge others, saying, “Just sue me!” Some corporations, like Samsung, adopt this mindset, openly copying Apple’s smartphone technologies and driving competitors out of business. When sued, they would deny it and prolong court cases until the opposition gave up.
Young souls fear being caught; otherwise, they are indifferent. To them, being caught is for losers. They dread losing.
They place utmost importance on appearances, eagerly and flamboyantly showcasing their wealth with the excitement of a ten-year-old who has caught a large fish. This is a judgment-free zone, young souls. You are here to play your part in the cosmic ordering of things. Balance is required. We appreciate your service.

4. Mature Soul or Adolescent: Relationship Oriented
When we consider the mature soul, we enter a relationship-focused realm. Their motto is "Me and you and I know how you feel." Mature souls possess a deep understanding of emotional connections and empathy, creating meaningful relationships that enhance compassion.
These individuals excel in nurturing their connections. For instance, a mature soul might take the time to listen to a friend’s struggles, offering advice shaped by personal experience. Their emphasis on emotional maturity enables them to foster stronger bonds, often leading to community support.
Mature souls often fear being misunderstood. They are also concerned about injustice and unfairness in the world. You will frequently find their comments on videos discussing chosen ones. These individuals are born with great responsibility and profound wisdom, yet they are still learning. Occasionally, they need reminders.
Mature souls empathize with others' emotions, making them unable to commit acts of violence unless overwhelmed by intense emotion.
Mature souls often find themselves at the heart of significant relationship turmoil. They are typically dramatic and, similar to baby souls, they involve themselves in situations where they feel misunderstood. However, unlike baby souls, they can perceive nuances and appear more grounded. Their eyes reflect greater depth and compassion. They are capable of connecting with others and demonstrating understanding, tolerance, and goodwill. Occasionally, there is a gap between their spiritual beliefs and their actions. For instance, they might meditate and cherish neutrality but indulge in self-pity when they feel wronged.
They often fail to remain neutral, even when they should be more discerning. Conversely, mature individuals can possess remarkable insight and awareness. They tend to be quite elegant in their attire and social manners, and can be very romantic. Just look at you. Over there grinning.

5. Old Soul or Adult: Philosophically Oriented
The old soul adopts a philosophical outlook. Their thought process resembles "Me and you, and we are both part of something bigger." Old souls ponder life’s interconnections and often gravitate toward metaphysical topics, seeking understanding through wisdom.
These souls embrace self-discovery, which can range from practicing mindfulness to exploring new spiritual practices. For instance, many old souls engage in meditation, with studies revealing that over 70% find it enhances their clarity and overall life satisfaction. Old souls make strong, steady, open eye contact to connect and allow someone in.
They perceive you and enable you to perceive them on a soul level.
Old souls fear accumulating additional karma. They gain wisdom through the repeated ordeal of having their ego dismantled until little remains. Typically, these souls have past life experiences deeply embedded in their DNA. They often transition swiftly across timelines after death, with an innate understanding of natural laws as a commonly retained knowledge.
Old souls are relaxed and nonconformist, possessing distinctive beliefs and actions, yet they are always polite. Recognized for their impartiality, they frequently reply with, “Oh, is that so?” Although they have little patience for nonsense, they are direct yet compassionate and as dependable as a rock. Old souls are not forgetful; rather, they are fully present, appreciating their physical existence with sensuality and a natural tendency for pleasure. They dismiss guilt and shame but continue to be kind and loving.
Old souls value nature, spirituality, freedom, the arts, and pleasure, and they love having a good time. They can create a lot of excitement simply for enjoyment. They strongly support nature conservation in one way or another. Old souls often have little patience for younger souls, yet they are willing to engage in discussions focused on finding solutions. They resemble an older sibling who has experienced life's challenges and can guide younger souls with advice.
6. Transcendental Soul: We Oriented
Transcendental souls advocate for community. They adopt the perspective "There is only we or us." These souls strive for collective growth, seeking a harmonious existence with others that recognizes the strength of unity.
They frequently participate in group activities, ranging from community service projects to joint art initiatives. Transcendental souls have the ability to unite people—those who prefer teamwork often experience a stronger sense of belonging and reduced stress levels. Violence? Such thoughts would never occur to transcendental or infinite souls.
Transcendental souls rarely, if ever, blink. Their eyes consistently reflect love and compassion. These transcendental and infinite souls are devoid of fear. They possess an elevated understanding of the universe's laws and navigate them with gentleness, ease, and grace.
Transcendental and infinite souls consistently serve as spiritual teachers, easily recognized for their wisdom, stature, power, and love. These souls often bear a birthmark or skin imprint linked to their star system, serving as a tribal branding.
Transcendental individuals are indifferent to their own circumstances. They lead by example, like Mohandas Gandhi.
7. Infinite Soul: "I Am" Oriented
Last but not least, we have le' infinite soul. Their essence resonates with "I am who I am." This soul type is marked by profound self-awareness and an understanding of their cosmic place. Infinite souls are visionaries, often leading discussions about universal truths and boundaries.
Infinite souls don’t blink. The cosmos is reflected in their eyes. When they look your way, it is like they have something soul-deep to discuss with you. Oftentimes, you have an encounter with them and consider them an earth angel. They are rare and are often misunderstood by younger souls who have not evolved in this lifetime.
They transcend boundaries, and their path frequently involves self-discovery and spiritual development. Infinite souls are often involved in initiatives that advocate for love and acceptance, impacting others with their broad perspectives.
Infinite souls are easily recognized. Their influence is global during their lifetimes, and their legacy brings change. Think of any spiritual heavy hitter you know whose legacy has had more write-ups than a brothel in Vegas. Another is on the way, they're not here yet. I believe it will be us!
Discovering Your Soul Age
Gaining an understanding of your soul age can offer deep insights. As with most things in life, the existence of soul ages depends entirely on your perspective. If you are an enlightened being, you are not confined by time and space; everything is unified at all times, making any appearance of separation false.
Thus, soul ages do not exist. However, since most people on earth have not achieved enlightenment, this viewpoint does not apply to the majority. Therefore, for most individuals, soul ages exist in the same way gravity does for those who have not transcended it.
Over many lifetimes, we have learned much about what we do and do not want in our current incarnation. Possessing multiple bodies over many life times enables us to engage with diverse cultures, races, genders, family structures, time periods, and orientations. Despite having multiple bodies, we remain unified souls, ultimately one with Spirit. Keep in mind, this is merely a game we are playing, involving the illusion of varied soul ages and experiences.
Now tell me, what's your soul's age? If you want to see more posts like this, let me know in the comments. It may be interesting to learn how you rank higher than you thought spiritually based on your soul's age or celestial DNA.
Grrrrrr, This went well over 500 words. See you late.
I am rank higher than thought. I am definitely and infinite ♾️ soul that’s been through the other ages and phases in these mystery schools of this realm and becoming more into the oneness of it. Thank you this was very helpful and informative and insightful and interesting. I would definitely love more of posts like this. You are so inspirational to me. Much Love And Respect Lulu 👁️❤️
I feel I'm at #7 after 6 decades & the last 25yrs seriously spent on my Spiritual growth. I 'survived' CPTSD, always been 'a rule-breaker'/rebel, knew I was just average therefore 'success' wasn't important though I give it my best, zero luck w any 'relationships' & finally after 5yrs have found peace+contentment being 100% solo (no friends/family/partner/pets) & recently accepted & innerstand we are ALL (on many dimensions/timelines/planes of existence).
Thank you Ms. Lulu!!
thank you!
I always knew I was an Old Soul. This explains it perfectly!