Greetings! I stopped by to share a few ways to get your gears going again when things become boring or you feel like checking out. It's safe to say many of you are getting some light code upgrades, the shift is real. That in itself makes for movement begets miracles. Moving forwardT.
There are times when everything becomes cyclic and boring as all outdoors. We need fire to keep us going, passion to keep us focused, or a spark to get us engaged and ignite our drive. Sometimes we can feel bored, overwhelmed, or down right stuck. It can last for days, months, or years!
Of course, there are those periods of time that we are being refined. I'm not discussing those, this goes for those who have identified what they want out of life at this point and have a hit a brick wall of boredom.
Before I hopped on the trail to walk it out today, I was just here and then there. Simply in that space of many to-do's with no spark about it, no excitement, or passion. That changed as I was revived by the Sun. Oh, yes! Talk to me grand light bulb of the middle realm and the sky's. Tell me I am alive and blessed. Help me understand what's in store and why the next steps are priceless. Yeah, we were chatting it up.
Now then here's five ways to reignite your passion for life...
Here are five ways to get out of the slump and get some bump in ya' trunk!
Take a class or get a new hobby! Either one will ignite something dormant in you and help you revisit your purpose with clarity. Anytime we learn something new and interesting it's a gateway to get out of our own way and shifts our focus in ways we would not imagine . Hello!
Travel! Explore new territory either in a far away place or in your state. Let's face it, you have not seen everything your state has to offer. See some new places, shake some hands and meet new friends.
Reestablish your relationship goals and create growth check-ins. This is a good one when dealing with the same circle of people on a regular basis. Find out what's new and interesting about your circle that may ignite something new in you! Come on now!
Create a new goal! Yes, add something to your list of aspirations and go for it. Maybe this will change the impact of what you do in other areas of your life. The goal could be something simple like fishing once a week. Although, you may not catch a damn thing at least you are adding it to your schedule and getting out in nature more. That is if it's been a challenge for some time. Btw, I had an amazing conversation with a tree today. I don't know what the tree has seen but it pulled out of me what I couldn't see or repressed. Mkay!
Embrace your current reality and choose to change what isn't working anymore. Don't be scared if this calls for you to show up in ways that are different from your current role/position. You got this!
...more drank (no Henny) for your tank!
Join a healing workshop or guest speak at one. You have all that knowledge and all of us would love to hear from YOU. "Oh, no but what about..." Yes, what about it? Get off your ass, Hillary.
Wallpaper. Add a new screensaver or wallpaper to your devices that remind you why you chose to do what you do! It can be of your younger vibrant self, children, picture from your original vision board, or your logo. Something!
Charity. Join a charitable organization or start your own. Not only does helping without receiving boost your morale but it also allows for you to be a service to others. You meet wonderful people when joining a shelter, orphanage, senior care facility, etc. Listening to another's story will re-connect you to your glory. That's what I heard.
The usual. Check your diet (IE what goes in your eyes, ears, mouth, skin, etc) maybe a shift is needed when you feel defeated. Ya' hear me?
Own them. Your words, thoughts, and actions. Recenter and refocus on purpose with purpose. Remember you control what you say, think and do. Honor that and remember who you are, why you are, what you are! Stay connected like a Rolex necklace people.
Of course there are the usual grounding, walking backwards, spa day, drawing, painting, reiki session, talk to your therapist, healing frequencies, etc. Everything in the lists above are truly metaphysical in their own right especially for those of you who like floating more than boating.
Join us this Friday for a group session and ask questions and discuss spiritual things and what not. It's up to you, Poohbear. I hope you find this post helpful. Talk to you soon!
I appreciate you ❤️✨🎶
thank you! 🌑